Omni-channel performance of major Russian retailers through the eyes of the buyer: an overview

For the third year in a row, the IT integrator AWG and the analytics company Data Insight are conducting a study of the retail market. The result is the Omni Retail Rating—an omni-channel performance assessment of the largest retailers based on critical aspects of customer engagement.

The aim of the rating

Omni-channel marketing is a broad trend of customer interaction in Russian retail. Retailers use all kinds of offline and online tools to communicate with their customers and develop a seamless transition between channels. We wonder what customers experience using different sales channels, and what the largest chain stores do to improve the experience. We recognize that both online and offline shopping are integral parts of the retail experience, and that customers simply use different channels to interact with a retailer.
The aim of the study is to analyze channels from the customer's point of view and determine whether it is convenient to interact with a store regardless of how customers purchase products. The Omni Retail Ratingreflects retailers' strengths and weaknesses at the intersection of online and offline channels. The rating results will be useful and interesting for both retailers and consumers.
The higher a company ranks, the closer it is to an omni-channel store model with seamlessly interconnected ways to purchase products and a flawless customer experience.
The new rating assesses the change in the omni-channel performance of companies in two years—2023 compared to 2021.

Retail is a dynamically evolving industry. We study how different sales channels are interconnected using the example of the largest retailers. The dynamics of the big brands' positions in the rating and of the values of the quality of customer interaction helps analyze the market in retrospect. This is why the Omni Retail Rating study and publication have become a regular event.

Study methodology

The authors of the rating

AWG is one of the leading IT integrators specializing in digital transformation projects and omni-channel solutions for the retail industry. The company provides comprehensive consulting services, development, integration, and implementation of IT solutions for businesses, IT recruiting under the outstaffing model for over 40 large business clients from trade, real estate, banking, insurance, logistics, and other fields.
The company has been in business since 2015.

AWG website

Data Insight is a leading analytics company specializing in online retail. The company has been in business since 2010. Data Insight conducts over 50 e-commerce studies every year. The most notable among them are the annual rating of online stores, the ecosystem of online commerce in Russia, and the annual report on online commerce in Russia.

Data Insight website