Omni-channel performance of major Russian retailers
through the eyes of the customer, 2022-2023

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The Omni-Channel Performance Rating of the Largest Retailers through the Eyes of the Customer brings together the companies that have succeeded in the harmonious development of online and offline sales channels.

The omni-channel performance rating assesses how seamless the customer experience is when switching between such purchasing channels as a brick-and-mortar store, website, mobile app, or assistance of salespeople.

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We offer a more detailed diagnostics and IT audit to all the rated companies for them to improve their performance and rise to the next level!
We can analyze omni-channel customer experience and identify areas for improvement in your company’s stores.
The overall rating is not a sum of the above-mentioned sub-ratings: it also takes into account the indicator of online sales volume and dynamics.

Large offline and online players (Ozon, Lamoda, Yandex.Market, etc.) are not included in the rating, since only one of their sales channels, i.e. either offline or online, was prevailing at the time of the analysis and preparation of the rating (up to October 2023).

Winners in special nominations

  • "Breakthrough of the Year"
    "Technological Breakthrough"
  • "Stability"
  • "Leader in Food"
  • "Leader in Pharma"
  • "Discovery of the Year"
  • "Potential"
  • "Online Takeoff"
    "Technological Breakthrough"
  • "Technological Breakthrough"
  • "Technological Breakthrough"

Comments from the rating’s participants

  • Evgeny Rimsky
    VkusVill Quality and Procurement Manager
    "Despite the fact that today the percentage of online sales from total sales in VkusVill is 47% (at the end of 2022 this figure was 39%), we continue to actively develop our offline formats. We are exploring new regions, opening mini-stores, and pumping up our offline assortment. Importantly, we make efforts to preserve the very service for which customers have been coming to us for more than a decade. Every day VkusVill opens 2 new stores, now we have more than 1700 of them in 151 cities of Russia. It should be noted that in September this year VkusVill took the first place by the volume of online sales, according to the agency "Data Insight".
    Our share in the E-Grocery market is 18%. We have more than 135 darkstores, and we deliver more than 300,000 orders every day. And every day we're trying to improve the customer experience, to make it more convenient, more enjoyable. It's important to us that going to our store and placing an online order are no different in terms of convenience and comfort from each other.
    Undoubtedly, online allows us to offer a larger assortment, various projects and services, but the development of offline services is not the same services, but offline development is still one of our vectors.
    Thank you very much AWG and Data Insight for conducting such a valuable and important research, which tells us where we need to grow and move."

    December, 2023

  • Dmitry Marykin
    Director of Customer Service and Digital Experience for M.Video-Eldorado Group's retail network
    "Around 90% of our customers use retail infrastructure at different stages of the shopping journey, so as part of OneRetail's seamless experience strategy, we focus not only on developing technology, services and assortment, but also the convenience of our stores. For example, we were the first in the market to launch self-delivery from 15 minutes and payment for purchases at the shelf using the retailer's mobile app. We were among the first to launch express delivery of goods from stores within 2 hours.
    This year, we developed a new format of a small store with the popular M.Compact assortment, significantly expanding the selection of goods, stock and the number of brand zones. On our online platforms we improved the checkout process, made a convenient search with many filters, integrated expert reviews into product cards, and increased the speed of work. As the premier appliance expert, M.Video now covers any needs related to home appliances and electronics, including prompt dismantling and removal of unwanted appliances, as well as installation on the day of delivery. This year, we also began offering branded financial and service services, such as M.Installment Payments, and delivering, repairing and adjusting appliances through our own one-stop customer assistance center, M.Master. M.Video-Eldorado also continues to develop the M.Click and M.Game expert communities, as well as to bring both brands' stores closer together. In particular, we merged M.Video and Eldorado outlets for convenient self-delivery, created a new co-branded M.Video-Eldorado store format that combines all the advantages of both brands, and are finalizing the unification and integration of loyalty programs in M.Club"

    December, 2023

Comments from the rating’s authors

Alexander Khachiyan
Founder of AWG, SkillStaff, and TalentNations
“By default, customers see their experience as omni-channel. They believe that every interaction with both brick-and-mortar and online stores should be uniform: the same products, prices, special offers, payment methods, etc. Today, it is extremely easy for consumers to switch between sales channels. If any part of buying experience does not meet customers’ expectations, they may decide against the current sales channel and choose another website, app, or store. This promotes higher market competition, making retailers more mindful of customer expectations.

We analyze how trade market players balance profitable business with customer satisfaction. Besides, we assess how companies in our highly competitive landscape are evolving in omni-channel, which is one of the most reliable indicators of a retailer’s performance.”

Nikita Shabashkevich
Co-Founder of SkillStaff and TalentNations
“Our rating is a useful tool for measuring the speed of technological development in customer relations. The rating makes it possible to compare peers in the industry. The rating results and their dynamics reflect the volumes companies invest in the development of omni-channel and technologies, which makes it possible to predict their future sales numbers, capitalization growth, and positions among their direct competitors. This study also facilitates progress in the technological development of Russian retailers by highlighting areas for improvement and encouraging the retailers to adopt the best practices.”

Fedor Virin
Partner of the analytics company
Data Insight
“Omni-channel is no longer a retail format, it is retail itself. This is how more than half of the nation and 80 percent of the country’s largest retailers see retail now. We have rated the largest retailers by assessing how they involve and integrate in omni-channel as well as how a retailer’s solution aligns with today’s best practices. This is the third annual rating we have compiled. This year, for the first time, we are not only publishing the rating but also awarding the top-rated companies—those that have achieved the best results and have been leaders in driving the market forward.”
Media sponsors
NEW RETAIL is a popular B2B web portal, publishing content on retail, e-commerce, technologies, and marketing is a niche web resource, focused on e-commerce in Russia
Организатор ECOM Expo, конференции «Электронная торговля» и премии «Большой Оборот». Владелец портала и сообщества, посвященного e—commerce

The award ceremony

The Omnichannel Rating 2023 Award ceremony took place on November 16

Photos from the event are available at the link.